Thai politician, 45, caught by husband in bed with adopted son, 24, who is monk, suspended from public office

Thai politician, 45, caught by husband in bed with adopted son, 24, who is monk, suspended from public office

Mainland social media has been captivated by the case of a 45-year-old female politician in Thailand who was caught having an affair with her adopted son, who also happened to be a monk.

The affair has rocked Thailand after Prapaporn Choeiwadkoh was caught on video in bed with 24-year-old monk Phra Maha.

Prapaporn’s husband, identified only as Ti, had driven five hours after he suspected the affair and caught his wife on video red-handed.

The couple adopted Phra last year from a temple after Prapaporn said she felt sorry for him. Ti is now accusing the monk, who has since gone on the run, of seducing his wife.

The scandal has not only shocked the Thai public but also captivated social media in China, with many people commenting that the situation would be considered ridiculous if it were scripted in a television drama.

The couple were caught, red-handed, naked under the covers by the politician’s husband. Photo: Weibo

Initially reported by Horizon News in China, the story has generated comments such as: “This news is explosive, with too many elements. It sounds like pure fiction. The world of the wealthy is indeed fascinating and chaotic.”

Another person wrote: “A 64-year-old husband, a 45-year-old wife, and a 24-year-old adopted son who is a monk? This is such a mess. It sounds more like keeping a boy-toy rather than adoption. Even dramas don’t dare to script this.”

A third person doubted the wife and monk’s story, saying: “I laughed out loud. Lying naked together and then claiming to chat? Perhaps it’s because their conversation got so heated that they needed to cool down without air conditioning.”

The third commenter was referring to the video that captured Ti discovering his wife lying with Phra naked under the covers.

Confronting his wife, Ti asked: “Are you two happy?” His wife defended herself, claiming they had not had sex and were only chatting.

Phra also defended his innocence, saying: “Nothing happened.”

He claimed that he had sought out Prapaporn to help him with his personal troubles and that “then we were going to shower.”

45-year-old Prapaporn has been suspended from her position pending a probe. Photo: Weibo

After the discovery, Ti expressed his outrage and said: “I was furious when I found them together. I felt so betrayed. I had bought her gold and given her many gifts.”

Prapaporn, who is also known as “Madam Ple”, is a well-known politician from Sukhothai, a province in central Thailand.

She currently serves as the president of a local chamber of commerce and has been a member of the Democrat Party since March last year.

However, she has been inactive in the party’s affairs since the general elections last May.

Prapaporn has been suspended by the party pending an investigation into the scandal.



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