Hongkongers warned to brace for heavy rains as Shenzhen hit with thunderstorms

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Hong Kong should brace for heavy downpours over the next couple of hours, according to the local forecaster, as Shenzhen experiences showers and thunderstorms with a trough of low pressure affecting the northern part of the South China Sea and the coast of Guangdong.

The Observatory issued the alert at 4pm on Thursday, reminding the public to stay vigilant and expect wet conditions over the coming nine days.

Wet conditions are expected in the city over the coming nine days. Photo: Eugene Lee

Under the influence of a trough of low pressure and upper-air disturbances, there will also be showers and thunderstorms over the coast of Guangdong on Friday, according to the Observatory.

The upper-air disturbances are expected to depart from the coastal areas gradually over the weekend as the trough of low pressure weakens gradually.

There will still be a few showers, the forecaster said, as another trough of low pressure brought unsettled weather to the coast of Guangdong again on Monday and Tuesday.

The Observatory also said the area of low pressure over the western North Pacific to the east of the Philippines was expected to develop gradually in the next couple of days and bring unsettled weather to the region.



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