Hong Kong police officer draws gun, smashes window to subdue 5 suspects during vehicle stop

Hong Kong police have subdued five men inside a car after an officer was forced to draw their gun when the group ignored warnings during a vehicle stop.

Police were alerted to a car suspected of carrying a fake number plate at around 3.30pm on Saturday, with officers stopping the vehicle on Cheung Lai Street in Cheung Sha Wan.

After verbal commands were ignored, an officer smashed the car window with a baton and drew a gun to subdue the five men inside the vehicle, the force said.

An investigation is under way.

Online videos showed a car parked in the right-hand lane and surrounded by two police cars. Two men were seen lying on the pavement after being detained by officers, while three others were kneeling near a wall.

The five men were taken away but no arrests were made, the force said.



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