Cathay Pacific’s stormy flight, Malaysia’s Forest City casino, Japan’s armpit onigiri: SCMP’s 7 highlights of the week

Cathay Pacific’s stormy flight, Malaysia’s Forest City casino, Japan’s armpit onigiri: SCMP’s 7 highlights of the week

We have selected seven stories from this week’s news across Hong Kong, mainland China, the wider Asia region and beyond that resonated with our readers and shed light on topical issues. If you would like to see more of our reporting, please consider subscribing.

1. Cathay passengers left vomiting on storm-wracked flight to Hong Kong

Cathay Pacific Airways passengers described vomiting and screaming in fear as their Hong Kong-bound flight battled intense turbulence and failed twice to land at the airport amid bad weather on Tuesday. Flight CX341 from Shanghai was due to land at Hong Kong International Airport at 7.30pm but was delayed by more than seven hours.

2. China used water cannons as ‘deterrence’ against Philippines, PLA’s Zhou Bo says

Illustration: Victor Sanjinez

Senior Colonel Zhou Bo (retired) sits down for a conversation covering China’s military, China-US relations, modern warfare, and the conflicts and tensions shaping the world. Zhou, a senior fellow with the Centre for International Security and Strategy at Tsinghua University, spent four decades with the People’s Liberation Army, mainly in diplomatic roles.

3. Hong Kong marks Labour Day with fireworks, but display fizzles out for some

The fireworks were set to the music of the daily “Symphony of Lights” multimedia show. Photo: Yik Yeung-man

Hong Kong welcomed holidaying mainland Chinese visitors with a fireworks show in Victoria Harbour on Wednesday in the first instalment of a monthly series of pyrotechnics displays, but not all attendees were impressed with the “budget-style” effort.

4. As Beijing’s ‘Made in China 2025’ plan nears finish line, how well has it done?

Illustration: Lau Ka-kuen

In 2015, China set out on an ambitious 10-year plan – dubbed “Made in China 2025” – to achieve self-reliance, innovation and strength in the manufacturing industry within 10 years. But during that time, a trade war with the United States has done its best to stop China crossing off its list of goals. Now, with only eight months left until 2025, the South China Morning Post has investigated China’s progress.

5. Furore in Malaysia over PM Anwar’s ‘threats’ after Forest City casino report

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is facing criticism for leading calls to shut down a contentious report on casino plans for a flatlining urban project, as the Forest City fallout unfolds and questions mount over the hold of Islamists on public discourse.

6. Japan’s latest bizarre delicacy: armpit rice balls made with cute girls’ sweat

A classic Japanese snack, the rice ball, has taken on a new culinary form, which bizarrely involves the underarm sweat of the women who prepare it. Photo: SCMP composite/Shutterstock/

A strange new twist on a classic Japanese snack, which involves the underarm sweat of the women who prepare it, is being proudly promoted in some high-end establishments.

7. China captivated by Thai politician caught in bed with adopted son who is monk

Mainland social media has been captivated by the case of a 45-year-old female politician in Thailand who was caught having an affair with her adopted son, who also happened to be a monk. The affair has rocked Thailand after Prapaporn Choeiwadkoh was caught on video in bed with 24-year-old monk Phra Maha.



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