530K Hong Kong Elites Exit in 3 Years, Replaced by 4Mn Mainlanders, Turning It Into ‘Stink Kong’

What exactly is happening in Hong Kong? Simply put, Hong Kong is rapidly becoming “mainlandized.”
Since the implementation of the “Hong Kong version of the National Security Law” in July 2020, a new wave of emigration has erupted, with hundreds of thousands of Hong Kongers moving overseas. According to the “Youth Dashboard” statistics released by the Hong Kong Home and Youth Affairs Bureau in January, the young working population in Hong Kong plummeted by 200,000 from 2018 to 2022. Additionally, according to the “Passenger Flow Statistics” released by the Hong Kong Immigration Department, from July 2020 to June 2023, a total of 6.33 million Hong Kong residents departed through the airport, with only 5.8 million returns. This indicates a net outflow of 530,000 people over these three years, marking the most severe population loss in nearly 60 years. This trend is particularly pronounced among young people in their twenties, including high-end professionals like doctors, nurses, teachers, and financial sector workers.
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