Yew Chung students see a world without limits

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A core objective for Yew Chung International School (YCIS) is to ensure students receive a holistic education which develops interests, opportunities, practical skills, and the personal qualities that allow individuals to shine. YCIS is part of the Yew Chung Yew Wah (YCYW) Education Network, an unrivaled network of schools spanning 10 international cities. All YCYW schools operate under a unified educational mission and share a similar pedagogy, which encapsulates a unique educational pedigree that blends the best of Chinese and Western cultures. This mission is dedicated to nurturing competent, compassionate, and globally aware leaders who strive to create a better world. 

The benefits of a holistic approach were evident at the school’s December 14 open day which featured first-rate musical and theatre performances plus numerous booths and exhibits showcasing student-led projects on everything from design and technology to the creative arts, social awareness, and care for the environment. 

The chosen theme for the day was “A Glimpse Back, A Leap Forward”, which provided the chance to reflect on key events since the school’s founding in 1932, as well as what lies ahead for an institution that now has over 2,000 pupils in classes from kindergarten to senior secondary spread across nine close-knit campuses. 

“The open day was a moment to celebrate achievements and lessons we have learned as we prepare to take the next bold steps forward,” said Martin Scott, Western Co-Education Director and Co-Executive Principal at YCIS Hong Kong. “We believe that by understanding our past, we can better shape our future, making sure students are equipped with the knowledge and wisdom they need to navigate an ever-changing world and reach their fullest potential.”  


Not only does YCIS guide students to achieve academically, but it also encourages a spirit of cultural humanism by cultivating a multilingual environment. There is a deliberate emphasis too on fostering each child’s innate abilities, as well as diverse perspectives and a sense of autonomy. This approach builds self-confidence, while also sharpening decision-making skills and promoting whole-hearted engagement in extracurricular activities such as theatre arts. 


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