Want to fly private with a pet or eat hotpot on a jet? This Hong Kong firm has you covered

Published: 12:25pm, 25 Sep 2024Updated: 2:42pm, 25 Sep 2024

A Hong Kong company catering to private jet passengers plans to offer more tailor-made services such as pet travel and in-flight hotpot, even providing delicacies including Sham Tseng roast goose or hairy crab to capitalise on a US$1.6 billion market in Asia.


Vivien Lau Man-yee, the newly appointed CEO of the Hong Kong Business Aviation Centre (HKBAC), the city’s only franchised fixed-base operator for business aircraft support services, spelled out her ambitions this week to help turn the city into a global hub for jet-setters.

The company’s track record includes consistent wins in the Professional Pilot Magazine PRASE Survey, with it being named the best Asian fixed-base operator for 17 years straight.


“We hope to develop Hong Kong as the best aviation hub for business aircraft in the world with our tailor-made and innovative quality services,” she told the Post in an interview.

“We have an upbeat business outlook for private jet business with the Asian market estimated to grow from US$1.6 billion this year to US$2.4 billion in 2030 with a compound annual growth rate at 6.91 per cent.”


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