US Continues Push for Release of Detained Americans | China in Focus

A top Republican is calling on Beijing to release more Americans in custody after one was freed on Sunday.

The United States is throwing accusations at an employee of China’s largest aerospace company for trying to steal secrets from NASA and the U.S. military. Federal prosecutors call it a multi-year phishing scheme.

Beijing is taking issue with Washington after a U.S. Navy airplane flew above the Taiwan Strait. Why are China and the United States at odds over the shipping lane?

The United States has approved a $200 million military sale to Taiwan. The island said it would help with combat readiness in the face of Beijing’s threat.

U.S. Continues Push for Release of Detained Americans
U.S. Charges Chinese National in ‘Phishing’ Scheme
U.S. Military Aircraft Flew Through Taiwan Strait
U.S. Approves $228M Military Sale to Taiwan
Lee: Common U.S. Foes ‘Divided Up and Politicized’
Poll: 56% Voters Back Trump’s Tariff Pitch
China Limits Exports of Mineral Used in U.S. Weapons
China Bans Antimony, Putting Pressure on U.S. Military
Rep. Newhouse on Safeguarding U.S. Agriculture
DEA Shuts 2 China Offices Amid Fentanyl Crisis
UK Lawmaker Calls to Ban Xinjiang Forced Labor Goods
China: Young Couples Choose Pooches Over Parenting

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