Torment for Chinese wife whose jobless husband sells naked photos of her online

A woman in Malaysia has taken to social media for help after discovering her husband was selling naked photos of her for profit on the internet.

The ethnic Chinese woman said on social media platform XUAN Play that she had been married for four years, and the couple have a one-year-old child, Malaysia-based Chinese language media outlet China Press reported.

She said her husband quit his job three months ago because he was exhausted.

She agreed with his decision as they had some savings and she has a job. He has been unemployed since, the report said.

The woman noticed her husband had received some money about a month ago, which she thought he had earned from odd jobs.

The man said his wife should meet his “physiological needs” by allowing him to take nude pictures of her. Photo: Shutterstock

She unintentionally browsed his mobile phone where she saw he was chatting to strangers, selling them photos and videos of her wearing no clothes.

The images had been taken in private at the request of her husband and she said they were not meant to be seen by anyone else.

“He denied he had sold them for profit, then deleted all the evidence I had seen,” she said.

“After that, he took his mobile phone everywhere with him and kept a close eye on it.”

She said she did not quarrel or break up with her husband because she was trying to get evidence.

“Once, while he was taking a bath, I checked his mobile and saw some clues. However, as I was trying to take a picture of them, he came out of the shower room,” she said.

When she refused to pose naked for any more photos, her husband accused her of not “considering his physiological needs”. When she asked if he was intending to sell them, he lost his temper.

He finally admitted he had traded her naked photos and videos and said it was because he needed the money. He refused to delete them when she asked.

The woman’s experience sparked a heated debate on the mainland social media.

The woman was shocked to find the offending images on her husband’s phone. Photo: Shutterstock

“You must recognise one fact that he has a mindset problem. If you do not report it to the police, you and your kid will be hurt in future,” one person said.

“You should divorce him as quickly as possible,” another person said.

Stories about photos of naked women being sold for profit often trend in China.

A photographer in eastern China’s Zhejiang province was detained in 2020 for selling a number of images of customers’ “human body art” photos to overseas websites without their consent.

China’s law stipulates that such behaviour infringes on victims’ image and privacy rights. Culprits face punishments ranging from a fine to a prison sentence of up to two years.



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