Top US News App Spreads False Info, Developed in China | China in Focus

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NewsBreak, a U.S. news app said to have 50 million monthly users, has been caught spreading AI-generated fiction under the guise of news reporting. Several dozen cases are now exposed. Former employees reveal that the app’s algorithm was mainly developed in China.

Several U.S. lawmakers are urging the Department of Homeland Security to ban imports from two Chinese battery makers. Officials said the companies’ supply chains are polluted with forced labor.

The United States and its intelligence allies say China is recruiting Western pilots to train its own military. What’s the end goal? And how is the regime trying to cover its tracks?

A group of victims are reportedly getting punished for seeking justice in China. Chinese citizens who lost their life savings to bank fraud in a recent fraud incident are now facing months-long stints in detention after protesting and demanding justice.

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