Tear gas, stun grenades and manure let fly in clashes at Australia military expo

Protesters set bins alight and threw horse manure at police during clashes in Australia on Wednesday, prompting officers to respond with tear gas, stun grenades and pepper spray.


Anti-war activists are protesting against a three-day military expo in Melbourne which showcases weapons and technology from around the world.

Local police, fearing crowds of as many as 25,000 protesters, diverted resources from regional areas in anticipation – making it the force’s biggest operation in 20 years.

But government officials estimated only 3,000 people turned up Wednesday, many of whom yelled at expo attendees before clashing with police.

Protesters threw horse manure, eggs and rotten tomatoes at police, before forming a make-shift barricade and setting bins alight.

Activists clash with police outside the arms fair in Melbourne on Wednesday. Photo: AFP
Activists clash with police outside the arms fair in Melbourne on Wednesday. Photo: AFP


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