Taiwan the biggest issue in US-mainland China ties, experts at Xiangshan defence forum say

Published: 8:00pm, 12 Sep 2024Updated: 8:32pm, 12 Sep 2024

Washington’s stand on Taiwan is the main factor driving negative momentum in US-China relations, Chinese observers said on the first day of a defence forum in Beijing on Thursday.


“The US wants to dominate the world and suppress China, and does not want China to be unified. That’s a fundamental contradiction [between the two nations],” said Lieutenant General He Lei, former vice-president of the PLA Academy of Military Sciences.

He, who was speaking on the sidelines of the annual Xiangshan Forum, said the Taiwan issue was the biggest barrier to military dialogue. “Despite the US stance, we must sharpen our core interest,” he said.

His comments were echoed by Wu Xinbo, director of the Centre for American Studies at Fudan University in Shanghai, during a discussion at the forum.

Wu said the US was “playing the Taiwan card more and more” and that its position on the island made Beijing feel that Washington was “no longer committed to the one-China policy and … that it’s encouraging Taiwan independence – either overtly or covertly”.


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