Resistance Ignites! Urban Management and Vendors Clash in China, Over a Thousand Protest

On the afternoon of August 19, around 5 p.m. at an intersection in Shuangliu District, Chengdu, Sichuan, multiple eyewitnesses reported that urban management officers injured a street vendor while attempting to evict them. After the vendor collapsed, rather than taking him to the hospital, the officers called the police, who handcuffed another vendor and attempted to take him away. The scuffle between the vendor, urban management officers, and police drew the attention of passersby. The joint actions of the officers and police sparked public anger, with citizens accusing them of violent enforcement. As the crowd swelled, the officers and police tried to leave with the arrested vendor, but were surrounded by a large, growing group of protesters demanding that the injured vendor be taken to the hospital and the detained vendor be released.
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