Republicans Wrap Up Second Day of Convention

[epoch_component type=”live_update” section_title=”South Side Pastor Prays, and RNC Adjourns” update_time=”2024-07-16T23:57″ inline_authors=”152868″ update_source=”” pinned=”false”]
The RNC has adjourned until the afternoon of Wednesday, July 17.
The end of the proceedings included a prayer from Pastor Corey Brooks, a man of the cloth from the South Side of Chicago.
Mr. Brooks gave a shout out to his city and state as well as “O Block”—a section of the city made famous in part by rapper Chief Keef.
On the convention floor, the video of the pastor speaking was flanked by diverse images—a man in a kippah facing an American flag and a family praying around the table, among others…. 

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