Polish activists open abortion centre in front of parliament

Polish abortion rights activists opened a centre across from the parliament building in Warsaw on Saturday where women can go to have abortions with pills, either alone or with other women.


Opening the centre on International Women’s Day across from the legislature was a symbolic challenge to authorities in the traditionally Roman Catholic nation, which has one of Europe’s most restrictive abortion laws.

A small but loud group of protesters demonstrated outside the “Abotak” centre as activists gathered inside for its inauguration. They blasted loud sounds of babies’ cries and held huge, gruesome posters.

“We will never allow people to kill Polish children on demand” said one of the anti-abortion protesters, Marek Krawczyk, as he held a rosary high. “We warn all Polish politicians not to introduce disgraceful decisions.”

The abortion rights activists with Abortion Dream Team had private security guards standing at the door, while police also formed a barrier between protesters and the centre.


“We came here to claim the space and to remind you in your face that women have abortions in Poland and we are not going to wait for your empty promises,” one of the activists, Kinga Jelińska said, a message directed at the country’s politicians. She wore a mint green sweatshirt with the words “abortion is normal.”

Jelińska said it was the first stationary abortion centre in Poland, but that centres like it have been founded in Latin American countries with restrictive laws like Mexico and Argentina.


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