Panda Watch: twin cubs set to make public debut in Hong Kong on February 16

Panda Watch is a blog by the Post that tracks the latest on the baby panda twins – the first to be born in Hong Kong – until they are ready to meet the public. This will be the last issue of the blog before the twins’ debut on February 16. To read our previous blog entries, click here.


Hong Kong’s giant panda twin cubs will make their highly anticipated first public appearance on February 16, with Ocean Park getting them used to having humans in their presence.

The cubs, “Elder Sister” and “Younger Brother”, have been spending time exploring their new enclosure at the park’s Giant Panda Adventure since mid-January.

While Younger Brother seems to have chosen a log as his favourite spot in the enclosure, Elder Sister enjoys lazing and napping on a fork of branches on a tree.

As part of their first Lunar New Year, the twins were given a specially made “candy box” – a large round container with several compartments, each containing a different treat or toy.


Their enclosure was also decorated with fai chun decorations, which contained phrases with panda puns and auspicious messages denoting good luck and prosperity.


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