Malaysian man offers ‘villain for hire’ service for clients to play hero in front of partners

A man in Malaysia who is offering a “villain for hire” service to help people play the hero in front of their partners has attracted widespread attention on social media.


Shazali Sulaiman, 28, comes from Ipoh, a city in the country’s northwest.

On January 8, he took to social media to promote his service, claiming he could help clients demonstrate their masculinity and make a lasting impression on their partners.

Sulaiman wrote: “Are you tired of your partner thinking you are weak? For a reasonable fee, I can help you prove them wrong.”

He added that clients just had to provide the time and place, and he would show up to “harass” their partner, giving them a chance to take him down.

“Tough guy” Sulaiman says people often tell him that he looks like a gangster. Photo: Facebook/Pesakit Sifar Cacar Monyek
“Tough guy” Sulaiman says people often tell him that he looks like a gangster. Photo: Facebook/Pesakit Sifar Cacar Monyek

Sulaiman also shared a photo of himself with messy hair and an unlit cigarette to enhance his tough-guy image.


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