Innovative initiatives of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust provide targeted emotional and personal development support to local youth

Innovative initiatives of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust provide targeted emotional and personal development support to local youth

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Tomorrow, approximately 50,000 HKDSE candidates will receive their exam results. For many, anxiety and worries have been weighing heavily. A recent survey revealed that nearly 23 percent of HKDSE candidates experience “extremely high pressure”, while 40 percent expressed concerns about their future. Thankfully, support is readily available within the community, with dedicated resources and services catering to the emotional needs of young people and inspiring them to explore life’s diverse opportunities. LevelMind@JC and CLAP@JC, created and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, collaborate across sectors to provide support to young people through proactive engagement. Under LevelMind@JC, a collaborative initiative involving non-governmental organisations and The University of Hong Kong, eight LevelMind Hubs citywide offer mental wellness services for individuals aged 12 to 24. Stephanie, a 19-year-old HKDSE candidate, found solace at the hub. Initially seeking relaxation, she participated in group activities and studied there, benefiting from the mutual support of fellow candidates. Stephanie expresses gratitude that discussions with hub staff and peers helped guide her academic choices. The exam period was particularly trying for Stephanie. Worried about her performance, she experienced mood swings. “I sought counselling services and embraced the hub’s calming environment. Gradually, the exam-related anxiety diminished,” says Stephanie, adding that her lively nature has returned and she awaits the exam results with adequate mental preparation.  Twenty-year-old Yoyo, a 2023 HKDSE candidate, faced additional challenges that affected her exam performance. Bullied at school and troubled by family financial struggles, she sought help through the Jockey Club Online Youth Emotional Support “Open Up” platform. That connected her with a LevelMind@JC Hub, where social workers provided emotional support and guided her in stress-reduction techniques. Consequently, Yoyo’s disappointment over her HKDSE results subsided. Follow-up guidance from the hub opened Yoyo’s eyes to other options. The continuous support and counselling provided in the hub helped Yoyo deepen her understanding of her interests and explore other potential opportunities. She eventually signed up for a foundation diploma course in early childhood education while working part time to save money for further studies. 

Yoyo expressed gratitude for the social workers’ continued support. She  advises  this year’s HKDSE candidates  not to stress too much over  their results. “The most important thing is to understand their direction, and they will find there are always more solutions than difficulties,” she says. 

Stephanie (right, with her back to the camera) says the LevelMind@JC Hub makes her feel very safe, so it is easier for her to share her emotional problems with the social workers and seek help when needed.

Nurturing young talent and fostering self-discovery

CLAP@JC harnesses collaboration between NGOs, schools and the private sector. The project encourages young individuals to explore diverse pathways and spearheads innovative career and life development practices, emphasising practical experience. CLAP@JC  encourages young people to navigate and set their career and life development roadmap based on their personal VASK (Values, Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge) outcomes to achieve informed and meaningful life and career development choices. The ultimate goal is to help budding talent to  transition smoothly from school to the workforce .

Angel Cheng Hei-tung, an aspiring illustrator, found inspiration through CLAP@JC. Although she  successfully enrolled in  an undergraduate engineering course at university after taking her HKDSE exams, she came to realise that she was not good at the subject and lacked interest in it. Last year, Angel made a pivotal decision to switch to a full-time higher diploma course in visual communication at the Hong Kong Design Institute, where she could follow her passion for painting. Angel’s journey took a transformative turn after she participated in an illustration course at a CLAP@JC partner NGO during her undergraduate summer break. The course was led by a renowned local artist. “As I honed my painting skills, I discovered my true self and experienced a sense of fulfilment,” says Angel. “CLAP@JC also provided valuable follow-up support, including sponsoring exhibitions at fairs, where I interacted with visitors and received feedback and encouragement.” Thanks to CLAP@JC’s Youth-Led Funding Scheme, Angel expanded her horizons. She enrolled in additional courses, upgraded her equipment, and created merchandise such as postcards, stickers and tote bags featuring her original character, “Mia”. Bearing an uncanny resemblance to Angel, Mia embodies her mission to empower young girls combating low self-esteem exacerbated by social media pressures.  Angel’s ultimate goal is to focus on creative expression and establish her own brand. “CLAP@JC has emboldened me to step out of my comfort zone and connect with like-minded individuals who share my passion,” she says. Similarly, Yip Long-yin embarked on a journey of self-discovery through CLAP@JC. His HKDSE results were not satisfactory enough for him to study for a social work and education degree. Then, he and his friends were introduced to board games by another CLAP@JC partner NGO. However, their engagement went beyond mere play; CLAP@JC inspired them to become board game creators. Long-yin vividly recalls attending sharing sessions hosted by CLAP@JC and featuring tabletop role-playing game (TRPG) designers, which ignited their creativity. “CLAP@JC connected us with board game club operators. We gained first-hand experience through internships at retail operations,” he says. Recognising the potential of board games to encourage in-person interaction, Long-yin and his team began  creating their own game, “Four Worlds Chronicles”. Their game weaves elements of love, hope and soul into an immersive experience. 

Thanks to CLAP@JC’s Youth-Led Funding Scheme, Long-yin’s team were able to engage professional designers to hone their concepts. It has also enabled the team to engage a production house to manufacture their creation. Long-yin and his team members eagerly anticipate the imminent launch of their board game. On the other hand, he came to realise his interest in communicating with people through CLAP@JC and is  now studying event management at higher diploma level. 

CLAP@JC has been a catalyst for Long-yin’s personal growth. Exposure to real-life workplaces, previously unexplored, has inspired him to consider diverse pathways and endless possibilities. Meanwhile, to bolster support for HKDSE candidates, Levelmind@JC has organised a series of special activities and extended the opening hours of select Levelmind@JC Hubs until the morning of July 17. During this period, social workers at the DSE Emotional Support Station are offering online and offline emotional support and counselling services for both HKDSE candidates and their parents. Additionally, they are providing valuable information on further education and employment options, as well as a platform for exploring career development intentions. From July 22 to August 7, Levelmind@JC is collaborating with CLAP@JC to conduct interviews and group activities for HKDSE candidates. These sessions will allow candidates to explore their career expectations, values and life development journeys. Furthermore, participants can gain insights into coping with challenges, equipping themselves for the next steps in their educational journeys.

Scan the QR code for the details of LevelMind@JC Post-Exam Activities for DSE candidates and find out your own personal value, attitude, skills and knowledge from the CLAP@JC VASK Game.



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