India pushes ‘wrong narrative’ with foreign diplomats’ Kashmir visit amid elections: analysts

Published: 3:50pm, 27 Sep 2024Updated: 3:58pm, 27 Sep 2024

As Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) goes through assembly elections after a decade-long hiatus, a foreign delegation’s visit to the disputed Himalayan region has sparked strong criticism from regional political parties, accusing New Delhi of pushing a “wrong narrative”.


Observers believe the visit aims to portray a misleading account of the region since losing its special status in August 2019.

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs on Wednesday took a delegation of diplomats from 16 countries to different polling stations in Srinagar city – the summer capital of J&K- to witness phase 2 of the ongoing polling process of the J&K assembly election.


“It is a good chance to see a sub-national-level elections and obviously with Kashmir’s history, it is exciting to see elections here after 10 years or more,” US deputy Chief of the Mission in Delhi, Jorgan K Andrews told media at one of the polling stations in the Srinagar city.

Jorgan K Andrews, is the US deputy Chief of the Mission in Delhi. Photo: U.S. Embassy and Consulates in India
Jorgan K Andrews, is the US deputy Chief of the Mission in Delhi. Photo: U.S. Embassy and Consulates in India


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