House Health Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Combatting Existing and Emerging Illicit Drug Threats

The House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee holds a hearing on Combatting Existing and Emerging Illicit Drug Threats at 10 a.m. ET on Feb. 6.
Sheriff Michael Bouchard, vice president of government affairs at the Major County Sheriffs Association
Raymond Cullen, family advocate
Dr. Timothy Westlake, MD, FFSMB, FACEP, emergency medicine physician at the ProHealth Care Oconomowoc Memorial Hospital
Regina LaBelle, JD, professor and director at Master of Science in Addiction Policy and Practice at Georgetown University
Dr. Deepa Camenga, MD, MHS, FAAP, chair of the Committee on Substance Use and Prevention at the American Academy of Pediatrics