Hong Kong’s year in medical blunders, from unneeded surgery to detached tubes

Hong Kong public hospitals suffered a series of medical incidents this year, with the health minister pointing to a “systemic issue” and ordering the Hospital Authority to conduct a comprehensive review.


In response, the authority put forward 31 recommendations in November to strengthen accountability and governance, with most of them expected to be implemented by June 30 next year.

The Post lists out the medical incidents that have unfolded in 2024.

Ventilator tube detaches

A 51-year-old tuberculosis patient, who was admitted to Kwong Wah Hospital last December, was in critical condition after suffering from septic shock and respiratory failure.

He needed ventilator support and was transferred to the isolation ward on February 5.

But it was later found that the ventilator tube became detached from the patient, who was unresponsive with no pulse. The tube was immediately reconnected and resuscitation was successfully performed on the patient.


The Root Cause Analysis Panel believed that the patient’s body movement had caused the dislodgement. When the double doors of the ward were closed, staff could not detect the visual and audible alarms of the ventilator and the bedside monitor.


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