Hong Kong slams US Congress for advancing bills that could close city’s trade offices

Published: 9:58am, 11 Sep 2024Updated: 11:48am, 11 Sep 2024

Hong Kong has strongly condemned the US Congress for launching what it called a “fact-twisting political attack on the city” and “grossly interfering in its internal affairs” by advancing legislation that could close its diplomatic offices in the country.


The Republican-led US House of Representatives voted on Tuesday to pass two bills that would close the three Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices (ETOs) in the United States and significantly curb Sino-American academic exchange.

The bills were passed as part of ‘China week’, a House Republican-led effort to advance mainland-related legislation. More than a dozen bills targeting Beijing’s economic, political and technological influence were passed on Monday.

All bills that pass the House must also clear the Senate before they can be sent to the President’s desk to be signed into law.

“The US House of Representatives’ fact-twisting attack on Hong Kong is politically driven, violates international law and the basic norms governing international relations, and grossly interferes in the affairs of Hong Kong. The Hong Kong government refutes this action resolutely and condemns it strongly,” a spokesman for city authorities said.


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