Hong Kong police chief inspector, wife charged for allegedly taking HK$1.1 million in bribes

Hong Kong’s anti-corruption agency has charged a police chief inspector and his wife over an alleged bribery case involving more than HK$1.1 million in cash and gifts from a businessman.


Ho Siu-tung, 38, has been charged under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance with two counts of a public servant accepting an advantage.

He also faces three counts of misconduct in public office for allegedly divulging information to the merchant and remaining “favourably disposed” to him and his friends during police investigations.

“At the material time, Ho Siu-tung was a chief inspector of police posted to Wan Chai district responsible for overseeing criminal investigations conducted by the district anti-triad squad and district crime squad,” a spokesman for the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) said on Wednesday.

“When handling a deception case, Ho came to know a merchant who was involved in another assault case.”


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