Hong Kong expects to unveil plan to headhunt top-notch talent in middle of year

The Hong Kong government expects to unveil a new plan to lure top-notch talent to the city in the middle of the year, approaching them with “tailor-made” offers as part of wider efforts to secure the best and the brightest.


Secretary for Labour and Welfare Chris Sun Yuk-han also dismissed concerns over claims of forgery in official talent schemes, saying on Sunday that authorities “carefully” scrutinised the visa renewal applications of candidates.

Sun’s update laid out a timeline for revealing more details about the plan to proactively seek out talent under the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme, as announced in Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu’s policy address last year.

“We expect to announce it in the middle of the year. It is going to be about top-notch talent that can provide great help to drive Hong Kong’s development,” Sun said in a televised interview.

“They do not take the initiative to apply for talent schemes as the whole world wants them. We need to take the initiative … Of course, we cannot offer a mediocre arrangement. We shall offer a tailor-made arrangement according to their needs.”


Sun said the government would shortlist candidates after announcing the plan, although the selection would remain confidential to avoid deterring potential candidates. He did not disclose further information about what criteria would be used to assess profiles.


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