Hong Kong cab-hailing app HKTaxi to shut down and migrate drivers to owner Uber

One of Hong Kong’s most popular cab-hailing apps, HKTaxi, announced on Monday it would shut down on April 1 after 12 years in operation.


The platform also asked users to switch to the Uber app, which acquired HKTaxi in 2021, adding it would start suspending user accounts from Monday.

HKTaxi not only connects drivers and passengers but also offers services such as taxi licence trading, rental management and advertisement offers for vehicles.

Existing HKTaxi drivers will be transferred to Uber’s platform, allowing them to continue accepting metered taxi bookings, thereby maintaining employment opportunities within the industry.

With the consolidation, lawmaker Stanley Li Sai-wing, who sits on the Legislative Council’s transport panel, expressed concern about Uber monopolising the online ride-hailing service market.


“I hope the government can come up with legislative proposals to regulate such platforms as soon as possible,” Li said. “The market needs regulations to protect the passengers and drivers as well.”

Last month, Secretary for Transport and Logistics Mable Chan said Hong Kong would regulate platforms offering ride-hailing services based on three criteria, including safety and quality, but did not intend to limit the number of operators.


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