Hong Kong authorities ‘to provide 10,000 public, private flats at site near Science Park’

Hong Kong authorities plan to provide about 10,000 public and private flats, alongside community centres and facilities for the elderly, at a site close to the Science Park, the Post has learned.

A source familiar with the situation said on Wednesday that the 10,000 homes, community spaces and centres for the elderly would be located in Pak Shek Kok, near a new MTR station to be built on the East Rail line.

On the same day, lawmakers urged authorities to provide more subsidised flats in the area, which is located in Tai Po district and already home to nine private residential estates.

The MTR Corporation was studying how to construct the new station and ensure it improved accessibility to the area, which is only currently accessible by bus. The station is expected to open no later than 2033, according to authorities.

Lawmaker Andrew Lam Siu-lo agreed that the government needed to offer both public and private housing in Pak Shek Kok.

“I think authorities can build more subsidised sale flats, but not public rental housing,” he said.

The legislator argued that more subsidised flats would align with the area’s existing private housing, with several such estates already in the area.

He also urged the government to develop portions of the community infrastructure before the new MTR station opened, rather than waiting until afterwards.

Lawmaker Scott Leung Man-kwong said authorities could adopt a 50-50 public-to-private housing ratio for the area instead of the citywide standard of 70-30.

The government could also satisfy demand among the young generation to buy homes by providing more subsidised flats in Pak Shek Kok, said Leung, who sits on the Housing Authority’s subsidised housing committee.

Leung added that an area that had 10,000 flats would be a medium-sized community and could require a large number of facilities, including care homes for the elderly, to cater to residents’ future needs.

Lawmaker Gary Chan Hak-kan said that the proposal appeared to be complex and described it as a large-scale project.

He called on authorities to streamline the relevant processes where possible to ensure the project could be carried out in a timely manner.

Lawmaker Gary Chan has called on authorities to streamline the relevant processes where possible. Photo: Elson Li

Tai Po district councillor Wu Cheuk-him said he hoped the proposal would provide the area with community facilities that were currently unavailable.

“Despite Pak Shek Kok being a new area, there is a certain demand for elderly services. Regardless of their classes, they need elderly care services and a centre,” he said.

“The government can also consider offering childcare services in the area, as not all families have domestic helpers.”

The district councillor added that the area lacked a sports ground or a community hall.

The Development Bureau said on Wednesday that it aimed to announce the development proposal this year after taking into account the MTR Corp’s study.

“We will announce the details and the development mode, including whether the MTR Corp is in charge of [the residential projects],” a spokesman said.

The bureau added that the MTR Corp’s preliminary study showed that construction of the new railway station would be complicated, while the wider project would require large-scale infrastructure.

It said the rail operator would deepen its study and consider how to enhance the effectiveness of the project.

The Post has reached out to the MTR Corp for comment.



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