FBI Director Says Gunman Flew Drone Near Stage Hours Before Trump Rally Shooting

[epoch_component type=”live_update” section_title=”Wray: Images of Trump, Biden on Shooter’s Phone Cached From News Articles” update_time=”2024-07-24T11:40″ inline_authors=”171952″ update_source=”” pinned=”false”]Pictures of public figures that were reported to have been found on suspected shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks’s phone were actually cached images from news articles, FBI Director Christopher Wray said.
The Associated Press reported last week that investigators found images of former President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden, and other public officials on Mr. Crooks’s phone.
Mr. Crooks also reportedly researched the dates of the Democratic National Convention and former President Trump’s upcoming public appearances.
Mr. Wray said the FBI is working to confirm Mr. Crooks’s motive for the assassination attempt.[/epoch_component]… 

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