Expert: China Pushes for Isolation From West With New Rule | China in Focus

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China is handing out a new rule for citizens with overseas experience. We break down how it is connected to the mass illegal Chinese crossings at the United States’ southern border.

A top U.S. intel official warns disgruntled workers could make companies more vulnerable to IP theft and cyberattacks. How is China taking advantage of this loophole?

Two senior British judges abruptly resigned from Hong Kong’s top court. What drove the jurists’ decision to step down?

The U.S. ambassador to China is detailing the fight between American consulates and Beijing’s censors.

00:00 Intro
01:39 Expert: China Pushes for Isolation from West with New Rule
03:55 Intel Official: China Targets Discontent Workers in U.S.
05:14 House Bill to Ban Imports from Six Chinese EV Firms
06:03 U.S. Ambassador to China: We’re Locked in Long-Term Rivalry
09:21 U.S. Research Foundation Cuts Ties with Huawei
10:45 Philippines: China Blocked Medical Evacuation
11:44 China Urges U.S. to Withdraw Arm Sales to Taiwan
12:40 UK Judges Quit Hong Kong Court Amid Political Tension

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