Dying Taiwan man denied last chance to see loved ones after SUV blocks ambulance

A terminally-ill man in Taiwan missed his last chance to see his family after an ambulance taking him home was obstructed by a vehicle.

On July 9, an internet user posted on Facebook that her boyfriend’s 18-year-old brother, who had late-stage cancer, wanted to spend his final moments at home with his loved ones.

An ambulance was taking the young man home when an SUV blocked the lane on which it was travelling. The driver would not budge and even ignored the siren and flashing lights.

The video showed the lane next to the ambulance was clear, leading people on the internet to question why the SUV driver had not used that route instead.

The SUV which blocked the ambulance could have used another lane but chose not to. Photo: Facebook

The man’s brother said his sibling had intracranial pressure, which meant the ambulance could not switch lanes and risk movement that might make his condition worse, according to Taiwan’s United Daily News.

The young man died before reaching home.

His heartbroken family shared a video online which clearly showed the SUV’s number plate, and said they were trying to find the driver.

The family said they hoped the driver would come to the memorial service and apologise.

Police investigators said that if the SUV driver is found to have failed to yield to the ambulance, they could be fined NT$3,600 (US$110) and have their driving licence revoked.

The incident sparked anger online.

“This driver delayed a life-saving effort. A mere fine is not enough to serve as a deterrent or compensation,” one person wrote on Facebook.

“No matter the situation, not yielding to an ambulance on the road is a disregard for life,” said another.

The dying man had left his hospital bed to see his loved ones for the last time. Photo: Shutterstock

In China, failing to yield to an ambulance can result in a fine of up to 500 yuan (US$70) and 10 days detention.

In January, a 60-year-old man in Guangxi, southern China, collapsed at home from a stroke and lost 10 critical minutes before treatment because a private car obstructed the ambulance at the residential entrance.

Despite rescue efforts, the man died after being taken to hospital.

Police said the vehicle’s owner had parked illegally and the traffic violation would result in a 150 yuan fine.



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