Chinese singer Zhang Mi battles cancer for third time, faces surgery to cut half her tongue

Published: 6:00pm, 24 Nov 2024Updated: 6:01pm, 24 Nov 2024

A famous Chinese singer garnered widespread sympathy on mainland social media by announcing the heartbreaking news of her third cancer diagnosis, following her battles with two previous cancers over the past five years.


Zhang Mi, 54, was diagnosed with tonsillar cancer and oropharyngeal cancer in 2019, both of which had progressed to advanced stages. She successfully overcame these challenges, and with no relapses reported in the past five years, she expressed her happiness on Weibo in August.

However, on November 19, Zhang revealed that she had been diagnosed with tongue cancer, as reported by the news portal The Paper.

“I have bad news for you,” she shared with her followers on Weibo. “There is something in my tongue that turned out to be tongue cancer. I was overwhelmed by this result.”

Zhang revealed that she had been diagnosed with tongue cancer in November, just three months after being cleared of two previous cancers. Photo:
Zhang revealed that she had been diagnosed with tongue cancer in November, just three months after being cleared of two previous cancers. Photo:

“How could I have a third cancer? I am very upset these days, and I can’t accept this,” Zhang said tearfully.



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