Africa is so awash with corruption, 60% of its young people want to leave

Published: 3:14pm, 3 Sep 2024Updated: 3:16pm, 3 Sep 2024

Sixty per cent of African youth are looking to leave because unchecked corruption threatens their future, according to a poll of more than 5,600 youngsters in 16 countries released on Tuesday.


Corruption is seen as the “single greatest hurdle” they face to achieve their own potential and a better life, said the Johannesburg-based Ichikowitz Family Foundation which commissioned the poll of 5,604 people aged 18 to 24.

“Most of all, they don’t believe their governments are doing enough to address this scourge and because of it almost 60 per cent are looking to emigrate in the next five years,” it said.

The 2024 African Youth Survey, which the foundation says is unparalleled in scope and size, was conducted via face-to-face interviews in January and February in countries ranging from South Africa to Ethiopia.

North America was the top pick for emigration for this age group, followed by Western European countries such as Britain, France, Germany and Spain.


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