‘Feeling the threat’: South China Sea tensions, missile test push Japan closer to Philippines

As tensions escalate in the South China Sea, Tokyo is aligning with Manila to condemn Beijing’s actions in the contested waterway, with one senior Japanese politician likening the current threat level to that “during World War II” and urging regional cooperation to deter further provocations.


Analysts say the two countries’ growing security ties reflect their efforts to bolster regional defence networks and convey a message of unity against perceived threats in the contested waterway. However, they warn China may use these developments to justify its own military build-up.

Speaking to reporters on Thursday at the 5th Asian Defence and Security Exhibition in Pasay City, Yasuhiro Takami, a senior adviser to Japan’s minister of defence and a member of the House of Representatives, said Tokyo shared Manila’s security concerns.


“As the Philippines is feeling the threat, Japan is feeling the same understanding of this threat that is coming in. The last time we experienced this was during World War II and we are currently experiencing this again,” he said.

Takami said Japan and the Philippines were current working with allies to deter China’s actions in the disputed waterway.


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