US called out China for supporting Russia in Ukraine, says Pentagon

Published: 5:06am, 17 Sep 2024Updated: 5:50am, 17 Sep 2024

A US Defence Department official highlighted “China’s support for Russia’s defence industrial base” and “aggressive PRC harassment” in the South China Sea as top concerns that he conveyed to Chinese Defence Minister Dong Jun in a round of talks in Beijing last weekend.


“China’s support for Russia’s defence industrial base and the impact that support is having on European and transatlantic security” was among “a range of regional and global security issues” that Michael Chase, deputy assistant secretary of defence for issues relating to China, discussed with Dong, according to a statement released by the Pentagon on Monday.

Chase’s delegation also attended the 11th Xiangshan Forum, which is seen as Beijing’s answer to the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, though Chase did not give any public speeches at the event.


He and his team “also reaffirmed the US commitment to defending its Indo-Pacific allies”, the Pentagon said.

“And the department emphasised the importance of respect for freedom of navigation as guaranteed under international law in light of ongoing aggressive [People’s Republic of China] harassment against lawfully operating Philippine vessels in the South China Sea,” it said.


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