Hong Kong tour guide struck off for threatening mainland Chinese reluctant to shop

Published: 10:54pm, 13 Sep 2024Updated: 12:12am, 14 Sep 2024

A Hong Kong tour guide who was found to have threatened visitors to make them shop has been struck off for damaging the sector’s reputation.


The Travel Industry Authority said on Friday it had revoked Lam Chun-fai’s tourist guide licence after investigating complaints by some members of a mainland Chinese tour group in February that he strong-armed them into shopping.

Lam also berated those who were reluctant to spend and threatened the group that the trip could be affected if they did not buy goods at designated shops during a February 13 tour, the authority said.

The authority did not release further details about the incidents, but said: “Lam admitted his behaviour had harmed the reputation of the Hong Kong tourism industry.”

It said it had decided to take action under Section 111 of the Travel Industry Ordinance after considering the results of the inquiry and being satisfied Lam “was not suitable to continue to hold a tourist guide licence”.


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