Cambodia mulls visa-free entry for mainland China and Hong Kong visitors

Published: 3:14pm, 13 Sep 2024Updated: 3:27pm, 13 Sep 2024

Cambodia is considering a visa-free travel facility for visitors from mainland China and Hong Kong in a move set to deepen people-to-people relations between the Asean member and the two East Asian economies, This Week in Asia has learned.


Cambodian authorities are still finalising the details of the travel scheme but aim to announce this at the start of 2025, according to a source.

The comments come as Prak Phannara, secretary of state for Cambodia’s tourism ministry, expressed optimism about the relationship between Hong Kong and Cambodia during a 10-minute speech on Friday at the Hong Kong-Asean Summit 2024, organised by the South China Morning Post.

The summit was organised in partnership with the Hong Kong-Asean Foundation and the Our Hong Kong Foundation.

If successfully implemented, Cambodia will join neighbours such as Singapore and Thailand, which rolled out a visa-free arrangement with China to attract more tourists from the mainland earlier this year.


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