500 people 1 face: debate rages as fans of China beauty KOL replicate her ‘baby-faced’ look

A baby-faced beauty key opinion leader (KOL) in China has inspired more than 500 fans to replicate her look by encouraging them to have cosmetic surgery at her clinic.

On the mainland, a baby face is characterised by big eyes, plumped-up lower eyelids and a small chin, giving the appearance of youth and innocence.

Wang Jing, 30, from Zhejiang province in eastern China, shares her cosmetic surgery experiences and fashion choices on Douyin, attracting 940,000 followers.

She revealed that she has spent more than a million yuan (US$140,000) on operations to achieve the face that makes her look 10 years younger.

In her videos, Wang explains the surgery she has undergone over the past few years.

A Chinese “baby face” is characterised by features such as big round eyes, higher eyebrows, and a smaller chin, which collectively convey a youthful and attractive appearance. Photo: Zhihu

“After the initial surgeries, my face was uneven and bumpy. Through multiple corrective procedures, I finally achieved the ideal baby face.

“Half of each year is spent recovering. I’ve endured so much pain, the beauty I have now is well-deserved,” she said.

Wang’s baby face has been hailed as the perfect model for the specific look by the cosmetic surgery industry.

“Just like make-up styles can be imitated, many young women want to replicate Wang’s baby face. It’s as if time has frozen, giving an innocent and baby-like charm,” one Douyin user wrote.

Online sources have revealed that the influencer runs her own cosmetic medical clinic.

She holds consultations with clients, using her own face as the template for their procedures, which are performed by her chief surgeon.

At Wang’s clinic, the price for three hyaluronic acid injections into the face to plump it up is 38,888 yuan (US$5,500).

Obtaining the same shoulder shape as Wang’s, which is said to make clothes look more stylish, costs 25,888 yuan.

Reports on Zhihu show that, based on customers’ cases Wang shared on Douyin, 517 people have already replicated her baby face.

“Wang is building her kingdom, where everyone looks the same as her,” a Douyin user said.

Jingjing, one of Wang’s fans, claimed she spent more than 60,000 yuan (US$8,500) to acquire the baby face look.

She wrote on the Xiaohongshu social media platform: “I finally joined Wang’s kingdom. After investing in my face, I realised I could also be beautiful and confident.”

A female writer with 2.1 million followers on Weibo, who uses the name “Li Xue loves and freedom” online, said women should not pursue an overly youthful look because confidence and beauty shine at any age.

“The pursuit of a baby-style aesthetic is a way of seeking care and affection by appearing weak,” she said.

The imitation fad among fans has sparked a heated debate on social media. Photo: Zhihu

The copycat phenomenon has sparked a heated debate on mainland social media.

“Losing individuality, with everyone looking the same, is terrifying and eerie,” one Weibo user wrote.

While others held a different view: “Cosmetic surgery is about pleasing oneself. It’s their own money, and it’s not illegal, so there’s nothing wrong with it.”



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