Meet Russian ‘fairy queen’ Anastasia Bliznyuk who leads China to Olympic gymnastics glory

Champion Russian gymnast Anastasia Bliznyuk guided the Chinese team to a historic gold medal in group rhythmic gymnastics at the Paris Olympics, earning widespread attention online.

China is the first non-European country to win a gold medal in this group event that has for decades been dominated by Eastern European countries, mainly Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

Recently, a photo of Bliznyuk looking at the young Chinese athletes she coached with an expression of pride has been circulating on Weibo.

“She looks like a fairy queen watching over the young human girls,” said one netizen.

Crowning glory: Bliznyuk’s coaching methods have taken Chinese gymanstics to a new level. Photo:

The 30-year-old, who is 173 cm tall and has striking blonde hair and blue eyes, is a legendary rhythmic gymnast.

Bliznyuk joined the Russian national team in 2009, was a two-time group all-around champion at the 2012 and 2016 Olympics, and silver medallist at the 2020 Olympics.

Later, Russia was banned from taking part in international sports events due to state-sponsored doping and the country’s invasion of Ukraine.

Bliznyuk then decided to take her sports career elsewhere.

She accepted an invitation from the Chinese rhythmic gymnastics team to become a technique coach in 2022, working alongside gymnast Sun Dan to coach the team.

The strking Russian learned to speak Chinese quickly so she can communicate with her team. Photo:

Mainland reports indicate that she learned Chinese within three months and is able to communicate with the athletes fluently.

“Anastasia always demonstrates every move herself. Her graceful posture and precise control have become a model for our girls,” Sun said.

The star athlete has also fused the essence of Russian rhythmic gymnastics with traditional Chinese culture, such as using tai chi to help the athletes improve body control.

“She brought new techniques and ideas that allowed us to achieve historical breakthroughs,” team member Wang Lanjing, 19, told Urban Express.

Bliznyuk is revered in Russia and has been praised by the country’s president, Vladimir Putin. Photo:

In the Paris Olympics rhythmic gymnastics group all-around final on August 10, the Chinese team captured gold by showcasing Chinese traditional Han and Tang dynasty aesthetics with ribbons and balls.

“In the flips of these Chinese girls, I could see echoes of the former gymnastics queen, Anastasia,” an online observer said on Weibo.

Bliznyuk is strict during training but warm and gentle in daily life, and the athletes regard her as a close friend, according to Xinmin Weekly.

“When I was an athlete myself, I wished for a coach who could identify with me. So I strive to be someone who is both a friend and a coach, mother, and big sister to these Chinese girls, “Bliznyuk said.

Under Bliznyuk’s guardianship, China’s rhythmic gymnastics team has soared to new heights. Photo:

She added that she admires Chinese athletes for their diligence, humility, gratitude, and respect for their coaches, and has grown very fond of her team.

Bliznyuk has also explored many cities in China, including Chongqing, the hotpot capital in the country’s southwest, where she developed a passion for the dish and spicy food.

The talented and charming Russian coach has received widespread praise on mainland social media.

“Thank you for your contribution to the Chinese team. Looking forward to more exciting sparks between the Chinese and Russian gymnastics culture,” one Weibo user wrote.

“Anastasia has demonstrated what true sportsmanship and internationalism are,” said another.



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