US-China fentanyl cooperation deepens as Beijing tightens controls for precursor chemicals

Beijing is tightening its regulation and control of three chemicals used to produce fentanyl, Washington said on Tuesday, signalling closer bilateral cooperation in America’s push to stem a nationwide crisis.

A US National Security Council spokesman hailed China’s decision subjecting key precursor chemicals to the potent synthetic opioid to greater control as “a valuable step forward”.

China’s Ministry of Public Security on Monday stated that three substances would be managed under the regulation for chemical auxiliary substances that may be used to produce drugs starting on September 1.

The substances named in the ministry’s announcement were fentanyl precursors known as 4-AP, 1-Boc-4-AP and norfentanyl.

Almost 75,000 people died from fentanyl overdoses last year, making it a leading cause of death for Americans younger than 45. The US has called China a “primary source” of ingredients used in producing fentanyl, but Beijing has long denied any involvement.

According to the applicable Chinese regulation, those who produce such precursors should report their production and sales details including the type and quantity of chemicals as well as major sales flows to local authorities within 30 days of operation.

The regulation requires enterprises to apply for permits for transporting such chemicals outside their local county and exporting them.

Individuals are also prohibited from buying such precursors. Entities that intend to do so must register with local authorities both the types and quantities of chemicals they plan to obtain, according to the Chinese regulation.

Fentanyl has long been a flashpoint in US-China relations, with American lawmakers from both major political parties criticising the mainland’s role as a primary source for the precursors that produce fentanyl trafficked into the states.

The administration of US President Joe Biden has been engaging Beijing to tackle the issue and seeing headway in the past year.

In November, Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping during their summit in California agreed to work together on narcotics control. In January, the leaders launched a US-China counternarcotics working-group mechanism.

Delegations from the two countries met last week in Washington in the first senior-level meeting of the working group. They agreed to further strengthen dialogue and promote “in-depth” drug control.

The officials discussed “ways to increase law enforcement cooperation, disrupt the illicit financing of transnational criminal organisations and accelerate the scheduling of precursor chemicals”, according to a White House announcement on Tuesday.



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