66 Hong Kong taxi drivers hit with demerit points since penalty system introduction

Sixty-six Hong Kong taxi drivers received demerit points for overcharging, refusing passengers and not taking the most direct practicable route since a penalty system was implemented in September last year.


In reply to lawmaker Vincent Cheng Wing-shun’s query, the Secretary for Transport and Logistics Mable Chan on Wednesday said that no taxi drivers have been disqualified from working for accumulating 15 demerit points on the system.

“The government earlier reviewed the overall taxi operation and management, and put forward a series of measures to enhance taxi services,” Chan said, including the demerit point system “to combat taxi drivers’ illegal acts and strengthen the deterrent effect against repeat offenders”.

Chan revealed that between September 22 and March 9, five drivers incurred three points, 12 received five points and 49 had accumulated 10 points.

Under the system, taxi drivers will be given three, five, or 10 demerit points for each of the 11 types of misconduct and could be disqualified from driving for three months if they accumulate 15 points within two years. A six-month suspension will be imposed on repeat offenders.


Overcharging passengers, refusing or neglecting to accept hires, refusing or neglecting to drive to a location indicated, and defacing, damaging or altering the meter, incurs the maximum 10 demerit points.


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