Indonesia has arrested two members of the military who allegedly gunned down three police officers during a raid on an illegal cockfighting gambling site in Lampung province on Sumatra island.
A group of officers on Monday swooped down on the venue in Way Kanan district, reportedly owned by the suspects, following tip-offs about illicit betting activity.
“At the scene, they came under fire from an unidentified assailant. Three officers were killed in the line of duty,” Lampung police spokeswoman Yuni Iswandari said on Monday.
Yuni said the victims – Lusiyanto, Petrus Apriyanto and M. Ghalib Surya Ganta – suffered gunshot wounds to the head and their bodies were sent to a hospital for an autopsy, Malaysian news agency Bernama reported.
One of the suspects surrendered at a police station hours after the shooting and had been detained at the Lampung military police headquarters for further investigation, Colonel Inf Eko Syah Putra Siregar said on Tuesday.
It was not immediately clear how the suspect’s accomplice was caught. The military needed more time to ascertain how many people were involved in the killings, said Eko, who is head of information for the Sriwijaya II military command.
He earlier said: “If there is involvement of individuals [from the Indonesian military], we will definitely impose sanctions.”