61-Year-Old Fisherwoman Imprisoned for Faith Dies 2 Days After Release

A 61-year-old Chinese fisherwoman who was jailed for her faith in Falun Gong has died two days after being released.
Xu Shanping’s family brought her home on July 5 following an unexpected discharge notice from a prison in southern China’s Guangxi Province, only to find her emaciated—reduced to skin and bones. On July 7, Xu passed away at the age of 61, according to Minghui, a U.S.-based website dedicated to tracking victims of the persecution of Falun Gong.
While it’s not immediately clear what Xu experienced in the Chinese jail cell, people familiar with Xu told The Epoch Times that she was in good health before she was arrested for her faith on Dec. 19, 2020…. 

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