5 children, 6 parents dead in eastern China after bus hits crowd outside school

Published: 12:24pm, 3 Sep 2024Updated: 3:49pm, 3 Sep 2024

A bus crashed into a crowd in front of a junior high school in eastern China on Tuesday morning, killing 11 people and injuring 24.


According to state broadcaster CCTV, the crash occurred around 7am in front of the Foshan Junior High School in Dongping county, Shandong province, on the second day of the new school year.

The injured had been sent to the hospital, the report said.

Dongping police said that six of those who died were parents and five were students. One person was severely injured while 12 remained in a stable condition. The condition of the other casualties is not known.

The vehicle was a bus designated to take students to and from school, the police said. As it approached a crossroad, it lost control and crashed into the crowd. The driver has been detained by police and the case is being investigated.


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