World China mum criticised for applying make-up while in labour ‘to look her best’ to newborn A young mother in China has drawn criticism for applying makeup during labour because she wanted to look her best and present a positive... by Yating Yang January 5, 2025FacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterestshare
World Washington Post cartoonist quits after paper rejects sketch of Bezos bowing to Trump A cartoonist has decided to quit her job at The Washington Post after an editor rejected her sketch of the newspaper’s owner and other... by Associated Press January 5, 2025FacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterestshare
China Inisights YouTube The tale of two “Chinese” people by China Insights January 5, 2025FacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterestshare
World US military’s Pacific strategy shifts to survival mode as China gains strength For almost half a century, the Philippines served as the linchpin of American military power in Asia. During the height of the Vietnam war,... by Huw Watkin January 5, 2025FacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterestshare