Taxi driver Surendra Parajuli’s decision to buy an electric cab would have been unthinkable a decade ago, when chronic power cuts left Nepalis unable...
In Japan’s picturesque Mie prefecture, the ancient Ageuma Shinji festival captivates audiences each year with its dramatic horse race. As thunderous drumbeats fill the...
She has indicated she won’t blindly follow any particular view of the predominant judicial philosophy, originalism, among conservatives on the court. Analysis The Supreme...
Although public focus tends to center on the presidential candidates, past VP face-offs have produced some noteworthy exchanges. On Oct. 1, Sen. JD Vance...
Drop boxes opened across Michigan on Sept. 26, signaling the start of large-scale voting in the Midwestern battleground state. With only weeks to go...
NZ Foreign Minister Winston Peters has condemned Russia’s ‘delinquency’ while blaming both Israel and Hamas for the Gaza war. New Zealand’s Foreign Minister Winston...
The Australian government has expressed its support in the pursuit of SAF, seeking to convert ethanol made from agricultural waste into jet fuel. Asia...