1 in 4 Singaporeans undecided on who to vote for ahead of general election: survey

As Singapore heads into an election year, over a quarter of respondents in a survey said they have yet to make up their minds on who they will cast their ballot for.


Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, who took office last May, has yet to call the election that must take place by November.

In a study by independent pollster Blackbox Research of 1,310 Singaporeans over the age of 21, 27 per cent said they were still undecided on who they will vote for in the first general election under Wong’s leadership.

Among them, 21 per cent of participants said they were “not very certain”, while 6 per cent were “not certain at all”.

The survey, conducted between January 2 and 13, also found that younger voters were more indecisive with a third of the respondents aged 21 to 29 expressing uncertainty.


Though 87 per cent of the pollees were pleased with their MPs’ work, 25 per cent of Singaporeans aged 60 expected better performance from lawmakers.


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